Are you getting enough magnessium? 
If you are not, then these signs will tell you! 

 1. Not being able to sleep: Magnessium plays an important role in the function of our central nervous system. Without sufficient magnessium, one experiences insomnia. Magnessium level also drops in the body at night, leading to poor quantity and quality of REM sleep which is the most critical sleep cycle to recharge our body and mind. 

 2. Having muscle cramps or spasms: Muscle cramps are a result of muscle spasms which are involuntary muscle contactions. Magnessium helps relax muscles throughout the body, so when you are deficient in magnessium the muscles will contract involuntarily. 

 3. Anxiety: Magnessium is the most powerful relaxation mineral. If one experiences anxiety, this is an early symptom of how the central nervous system is affected by magnessium deficiency. When you experience anxiety, take about 200g of magnessium so that you feel relaxed. 

 4. High blood pressure: One important function of magnessium is relaxing and dilating the blood vessels. When you are low in magnessium, the blood vessels constrict more causing high blood pressure. Adequate magnessium levels also help balance the electrolytes and unbalanced electrolytes can create high blood pressure. 

 5. Irregular heartbeat: The heart is a muscular organ making the cardiovascular system highly dependent on magnessium for proper functioning. If the heart is deficient in magnessium, it will not be able to contract properly which may cause irregular heartbeats. 

 6. Constipation: Regular constipation means deficiency in magnessium. When you are deficient in magnessium, the intestines contract more, making it harder for stool to pass. Not only will magnessium relax your bowel to create a more regular bowel rhythm. This also has an osmotic effect. Magnessium pulls water into the bowels, softening the stool. Choose magnessium citrate to help constipation.


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