EATING A BALANCED DIET HELPS IN STAYING HEALTHY Eating a balanced diet implies taking the right classes of food in their right quantities. A diet refers to the food we eat in a 24-hour time, or a month. a good diet promotes a healthy living. There are a lot of factors that must be taken into consideration when healthy eating is concerned! Such factors include: 1. WHAT WE EAT What we eat affects our health in a lot of ways. For instance, breakfast is a very important meal in a day and must be taken accordingly. This helps in controlling body weight and so on. Researchers from Tel Aviv University in Israel explain in the journal, Obesity that a big breakfast (one containing about 700% calories) is better for weight loss and also lowers the risk of developing a heart disease, high cholesterol and diabetes. the research also went further to stress that the rice we consume matters as well as what we eat. The most important part of healthy eating is the balanced diet. What w...