The human body is complex in structure and a lot of things can go wrong with it. A high temperature, pain, stress, depression, etc are all signs that there is trouble somewhere. We all poop and the poop differs in texture, colour,size,and smell. The colour of your stool, its consistency,size and smell tells about the nature of your internal system. An average stool consists of about 75% water and 25% solid matter. The solid matter can be broken down to fatty substances, cholesterol, indigestible food matter as well as dead bacteria. The stool varies in appearance and make-up according to what has been eaten and drunk. Understand that it takes between 18 to 72 hours to digest food that has been eaten and failure to digest leads to constipation which may be linked to some other problems. 


 1. SMALL HARD AND LUMPY STOOLS - Stools of this type is indicative of acute disbacteriosis which is an inflammation of the small intestine.They are small, solid and abrasive and normally between 1 to 2cm in diameter. Being that they are solid in nature,they are painful to pass. This can lead to anal bleeding. 

 2. SAUSAGE SHAPED STOOLS WITH LUMPS - These are of a diameter between 3 to 4cm and occur through constipation, thereby remaining in the intestinal tract for several weeks. They are painful to pass and may also cause bleeding in the process. It is typical of someone suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. 

 3. SAUSAGE SHAPED STOOLS WITH CRACKED SURFACE - This type of stool is similar to that in number 2 but is processed faster. It is also indicative o constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. 

 4. SAUSAGE SHAPED STOOLS, SOFT AND SMOOTH - This type of stool is between 1 to 2cm in diameter indicating that they are relatively short time transit and good fibre content. 

 5. SOFT BLOBS OF POOP WITH WELL DEFINED EDGES - This type is near to stool perfection. It has a diameter of between 1 to 1.5cm and is typical of someone who defeacates two to three times per day after major meals. 

 6. FLUFFY STOOLS WITH TORN RAGGED EDGES - This type of stool is very soft in texture. It can take one in a surprise and cause problems if the toilet is not near. this type of stool indicates high blood pressure and stress. 

 7. DIARRHEA-TYPE STOOL - This is similar to ordinary diarrhea but is sometimes called diarrhea because it happens in conjunction with constipation, accompanying stool type 1. This type is often experienced by children and the elderly. 

The colour of a stool can be quite troublesome but it is indication of so many conditions. A normal healthy stool is a medium light-brown colour. A black tar or bright red colored stool is an indication of bleeding in the gastro-intestinal tract and anyone with such a stool should consult a doctor immediately.However, black stools may be experienced after certain medications. A pale brown, gray or white stool can be caused by a lack of bile, though white stools can result from taking antacids. However, these type of stools may indicate problems such as cirrhosis,hepatitis or pancreatic illness. Yellow-colored stools indicate problems such as from gallbladder, a giardia infection or Gilbert's syndrome. 

 SMELLY STOOLS: No matter what you eat, how you dress; a stool does not smell nice! It's normal for a stool to smell, after all it passes through a lot of processes with addition of enzymes.


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