Vegetables give good health to the intestines. It helps in gastrointestinal problems. Vegetables also makes digestive systems function properly. The bitter vegetables are good in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. They also regulate the secretion of hormones by the pancreas. Insulin can be normalized by the consumption of bitter vegetables. HOW SHOULD VEGETABLES BE EATEN? Vegetables should be eaten in their natural. They should not be over-cooked. MINERAL CONTENT OF VEGETABLES Vegetables contain a number of important vitamins and minerals. Some of these are: VITAMIN A - This promotes growth and gives good health to vision. It also enhances good vision. Vitamin is good for the eyes and this is why we are advised to take salts enriched with vitamin A - the ones with the 'eye sign' on their bags or containers. VITAMIN B - This includes all the 'B' family, popularly referred to as vitamin B complex. Vitamin B includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8,, B12, thiamine aci...