Scientists have established that vegetables have medicinal values. Vegetables protect the body from illness and also heals the body of ailment. They have high vitamin and minerals content. Humans can be assured of healthy living by taking vegetables especially the dark-green types which have vitamins, minerals and enzymes that help in balancing the body's alkalinity. Vegetables should be used for prevention. Those who take vegetables continuously do not easily fall sick. This is due to the natural protective contents in vegetables which help in purifying the blood and makes it free from clogging. Bear in mind that no disease can develop in a purified area. Vegetables grown with artificial fertilizers are not good for the body as they lack the required minerals and vitamins needed by the body. This is due to the fact that they are grown with inorganic fertilizers which force the plants to grow rapidly. Scientific studies have shown that greater percentage of cancer in developed countries are as a result of consumption of foods planted using artificial fertilizers. The protective properties of vegetables are that they contain fibers which clean the colon and helps to push down the waste in our systems. Absence of fibers in our diet can lead to sicknesses like pile, fibroid growth, cancer, appendicitis, headache, dizziness, and so on. Those who form the habit of eating vegetables always cannot develop constipation, big belly, waste pain, rheumatism, pile, arthritis, etc. We should form a habit of taking vegetables because it helps us stay healthy and consuming more of it helps in prevention of stroke, hypertension, skin diseases, clogging of arteries, prostrate problems, and so on. Vegetables which are not over-cooked provides chlorophyll which is responsible for normalizing blood cholesterol and functioning of the heart and arteries. It is the chlorophyll that helps in building the blood cells and balances the body's alkalinity. It also prevents ailments and diseases that are associated with old age. With enough chlorophyll in the body system, there can be quick recovery from stress, tension and inner problems.


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