Vegetables give good health to the intestines. It helps in gastrointestinal problems. Vegetables also makes digestive systems function properly. The bitter vegetables are good in the treatment of diabetes mellitus. They also regulate the secretion of hormones by the pancreas. Insulin can be normalized by the consumption of bitter vegetables. HOW SHOULD VEGETABLES BE EATEN? Vegetables should be eaten in their natural. They should not be over-cooked. MINERAL CONTENT OF VEGETABLES Vegetables contain a number of important vitamins and minerals. Some of these are: VITAMIN A - This promotes growth and gives good health to vision. It also enhances good vision. Vitamin is good for the eyes and this is why we are advised to take salts enriched with vitamin A - the ones with the 'eye sign' on their bags or containers. VITAMIN B - This includes all the 'B' family, popularly referred to as vitamin B complex. Vitamin B includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B8,, B12, thiamine acid, folic acid, inositol, and so on. Vitamin B complex goes within all its members for proper functioning. It promotes appetite, blood formation and circulation. It acts as tonic for the body system and enhances growth, digestion, strength and stamina. Vitamin B complex prevents nervous disorders. All vitamin B complex family works independently and they should be taken in their correct dosage for effective functioning. Where there are no medical advice, green vegetables should be eaten. VITAMIN C- Vitamin C helps to keep the body tissues together and this helps to prevent collagen (premature aging). It also helps against diseases, stress and tiredness. Not all vegetables contain vitamin C. But they can be got from fruits like oranges, pawpaw, etc. VITAMIN D- This vitamin is got from exposure to the sun as well as some food materials. It helps in the formation of good bone and teeth. Inadequate vitamin D in the body leads to weakness in the muscles and bones. VITAMIN E- Vitamin E helps in blood circulation. It promotes good hair and skin and also makes the heart to function properly and enhances reproduction. VITAMIN F- It makes the blood and system to be normal. VITAMIN K- This enhances healing of injuries. It helps in blood clotting in the event of a cut or injury. MINERALS- Minerals are useful in the proper functioning of body glands. They help in speeding up the functioning of other vitamins, that is, they act as catalysts. Some of the minerals include: POTASSIUM- This is needed for healthy development of nerves and muscles. OXYGEN- This is needed in order to exist. It aids blood circulation and is also required from expulsion of waste from the system. ZINC- Zinc helps the heart to be in good health and also promotes the efficiency of the nerves. Inadequate zinc in the body of humans leads to prostrate and enlargement of the glands. SULPHUR- This helps protein assimilation in the body. It also helps the liver and kidney to function properly. PHOSPHOROUS- Phosphorous helps in food digestion and assists in bone formation. SODIUM- This protects body tissues and enables the body to use its water effectively. IRON- This is responsible for the formation of red blood cells (corpuscles) and also in the transfer of oxygen to other parts of the body. FLUORINE- This promotes quick healing and helps the bone to function properly. CALCIUM- Calcium promotes good health for bones, teeth, muscles, and nerves. CHLORINE- Chlorine aids food digestion by providing the required juices and enzymes.


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